Pizza dough from scratch

How to make pizza dough?

In order to receive a good quality product and satisfy the tastes of friends and family, it is essential to distinguish between the four important stages of production.

The choice of basic ingredients for pizza

To obtain product quality, basic ingredients must always be fresh or well preserved and must have the following characteristics:

Water must be potable, and it can not be too hard, if at the tap observed stone, water should be boiled before use.

Yeast should be used fresh (must be purchased prior to use and check that they have a bright color) or dried (purchased in bags in the form of granules and easy to maintain, should be dissolved at 38).

Use a salt which is hygroscopic, so should choose sea salt. This feature helps users get longer sprouting.

Flour, which can be found in stores are almost always soft flour, so time to grow up is short (2-3 hrs.) And the amount of water vapor 50% (per kg of flour need to 5 dl water).

Pizza dough - recipe

For good cake need:

- 1 liter of water
- 2 kg of flour
- 20 g of fresh yeast (dry or 7)
- 50 g of sea salt

Of course the number can be increased or decreased depending on the needs, as well as the amount of yeast to be reduced if the ambient temperature exceeds 23-25 degrees (eg. in the summer).

With the above ingredients we will get 3.070 kg of dough, enough to prepare four plates tailored to your home oven.

Preparing pizza dough

To prepare the dough should take two containers large enough to add to the power of each field poppies.

Divided into two parts water to one throw salt thereof, to a second yeast. Salt water poured into the container half flour and yeast dissolved in water to the next. Mix the ingredients well and then combine them and knead the dough.

If you have at your disposal a machine for kneading always make the poppies. So pour water where you have dissolved the yeast, leaving 2dl to dissolve the salt that you add when the ingredients are already mixed.

Avoid all contact salt and yeast because the first does not allow the other to fulfill its function.

The dough will be ready when the vessel in which they are preparing will be completely clean.

And at this point you can begin to share the cake, depending on how high should be received pizza.

Before leaving to rise, you can put the dough in the refrigerator (6-8 degrees) for 24 to 6-8 hours.

Raising pizza dough

It consists of laying the dough in the middle of the mold which is then baked and leave for approx. 3 hours. At constant temperature (23 degrees), this function allows the yeast to produce a gas which causes the dough rise.

When dough should spread your fingers to form until a flat form that will touch the edges of the plates. Of course, before unfolding the dough should smear badge oil. And so prepared cake we put tomatoes, if the pizza has to be red or white, and if the oil should be left for an hour before putting in the oven.

If the cake were inserted into the refrigerator should be treated as only the reconstituted or leave to rise by more than the specified time and manner.

How to bake a pizza?

The last but most important step, which, if done properly will allow you to enjoy the right product quality.

In a home oven baking temperature average is 250 degrees during the 12-15 min. So oven should be heated before placing in the oven. For obvious reasons, the furnace in two phases:

1. bake for 8-10 minutes cake with tomato or oil;

2. remove from the oven and put the remaining ingredients depending on the recipe and put the pizza back in the oven for continuing baking time remaining.

If we want to fully taste well-prepared pizza should I eat right out of the oven.

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